Parameter sweep runs a series of simulations, as a selected parameter in the circuit is varied for each simulation run.
You select a specific parameter of a component to sweep in Simulation settings.
Analysis types available for simulation include Transient, AC sweep and DC operating point.
To run a parameter sweep:
Example - inverting opamp
Sweep the resistance of R1 to determine its effect on the output signal.
You can build this circuit (Inverting opamp), or make a copy of it from the Help Circuits user group. This is a closed group. You can open and copy the circuits in this group, but you cannot join it.
Switch on cursors to get more information. X axis, Y axis and Track cursors are available for nested Parameter sweep simulations.
In the following example, X Axis is selected from the Type drop-down menu, in Cursors.
The table displays the Time and Voltage values for Cursor 1. Similar values are displayed for Cursor 2.
The third column of the table displays ΔX = X2 - X1.
The fourth column displays 1/ΔX.
You can change which of the nested sweeps a cursor reads by selecting it from the second drop-down. In the example below, Cursor 1 reads the data from Output: V(IO1) for the sweep when Resistance = 1 kΩ.
Notice how the data in the table changes when you select Y Axis for the cursor Type:
When Track is selected as the cursor Type, the table contains data similar to the following: